School Day
Tor View School's curriculum covers 32 hours per week.
We open our doors at 8.50 am and learning opportunities commence as soon as the day begins, teaching our young people independence and self help skills.
Registration starts at 9.15am.
The school day ends at 3.15pm for all learners. (Monday - Thursday)
The school day ends at 3.15pm for all learners. (Friday)
We also provide daily lunchtime clubs and after school activities to further enhance our curriculum offer.
School Organisation
Tor View School is a Special School which meets the needs of learners with Profound & Multiple, Severe and Moderate Learning Difficulties. Many of our children and young people have associated cognitive, social-communication and physical difficulties such as Downs Syndrome, Autism and Cerebral Palsy.
As an all-through school, we welcome children from the ages of 4-19 years old. Learners are generally grouped in accordance with their chronological age e.g.:
Early Years Foundation Stage
Key Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2)
Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6)
Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9)
Key Stage 4 (Years 10-11)
Further Education (Years 12-14)
Tor View School also offers an Intensive Support Centre for children and young people with highly complex needs including Autism and acquired brain injuries. This is a pan-authority provision for learners aged 11-19.
Welcome to the Primary Department
In the Primary Department, we are always working hard to inspire, learn, enjoy and achieve. We are a team of specialist and dedicated teachers and teaching Assistants (TAs) who work hard to ensure the best start to your child’s education. We aim to provide a firm foundation for learning for all our pupils.
The Vision
Within the Primary Department, we pay specific attention to early Literacy and Numeracy, self-help and independence, organisational, feeding and basic personal hygiene skills. In order to begin to work, your child needs to be equipped with a readiness to learn. These ‘Learning to Learn’ skills such as being able to sit, take turns, listen to and follow very basic instructions ensure that children are ready to learn alongside their peers. We welcome children from the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) through to year 6. All children within the Primary Department work towards the National Curriculum in all subject areas. Lessons are fun, motivating and tailored to the needs of the individuals in the group. We use a thematic topic approach and our focus is on skill acquisition and the development of communication skills.
Tor View School is committed to the inclusion of all pupils within the school community. We ensure that all pupils within the primary department have full and equal access to all facilities and all areas of the curriculum. The Primary Department also welcomes links with local mainstream schools, at Nursery and Primary level. The Primary Department has a long standing and successful link with Haslingden Primary School. Some primary pupils from Key Stage 2 attend Haslingden Primary school on a daily basis, supported by a teacher and TAs from Tor View School. Our Early Years Department has inclusion links with Hillside Nursery in Haslingden.
Class Groups
Pupils are taught in ability based teaching groups. This grouping allows lessons to stretch pupils and match work closely to their ability. It also allows pupils with greater needs to access higher levels of staff support and ensures that the curriculum can be adapted to meet their specific needs.
Our classes are arranged in to Key Stage groups; EYFS, Key Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2) and Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6). Occasionally, we may have groups which cross both Key Stages, depending on the needs of the pupils.
Each child has a form tutor/class teacher who is responsible for overseeing the personal and social needs of his/her class, updating Key Skills Care Plans, and making contact with parents/carers. The class teacher is the first point of contact for parents/carers and is keen to establish good relationships as communication is very important to us. Parents/carers are welcome to write or make comments to discuss any issues via their child’s Class Dojo. Alternatively, you may phone the class teacher who will respond to your message at the earliest convenient time, which may be at the end of the day due to their teaching commitments.
As well as a class teacher, each class also has two or more TAs. TAs have an important role in supporting the work of the class teacher and meeting the needs of the pupils.
If you want to find out more about our Department, please read the Department Brochure below.
Primary Transition Brochure
Primary Department Sample Timetable
Welcome to the Secondary Department
In the Secondary Department, students are always working hard to inspire, learn, enjoy and achieve. Our teachers provide students with a range of opportunities to develop new skills and apply them in many different ways. Students are constantly learning new facts and skills which will help them as they grow up and transition into adulthood, working towards an appropriate level of independence.
The Vision
We aim to provide a stimulating and creative learning environment that allows all students to reach their full potential. This is achieved through a carefully planned child-centred curriculum that has been designed to reflect the learning needs of our students. Our Secondary Department ethos is: Promoting independence, resilience, and active engagement in purposeful learning.
Teaching Groups
Students are taught in ability based teaching groups. This grouping allows lessons to challenge students and match work closely to their ability. It also allows students with greater needs to access higher levels of staff support and ensures that the curriculum can be adapted to meet their specific needs.
Our classes are arranged in Key Stage groups; Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9) and Key Stage 4 (Years 10-11). Occasionally, we may have groups which incorporate both Key Stages, depending on the needs of the students.
Form Groups
Each student in the Secondary Department has a form tutor who is responsible for overseeing the personal and social needs of their form, updating Key Skills Care Plans, and making contact with parents/carers. The form tutor is the first point of contact for parents/carers and is keen to establish good relationships. Parents/carers are welcome to write or make comments to discuss any issues via their child’s Class Dojo. Alternatively, you may phone the form tutor who will respond to your message at the earliest convenient time, which may be at the end of the day due to their teaching commitments.
As well as a form tutor, each form also has 2 or more Teaching Assistants (TAs). TAs have an important role in supporting the work of the form tutor and meeting the needs of the students.
Secondary Department Sample Timetable
Check out our Department in the virtual tour below:
Tor View Further Education Department
The F.E. Department is situated at our purpose-built Ewood Campus on Clod Lane near the main school building.
It comprises of:
- A Chillax area where students are able to meet in break times to generally socialise.
- A kitchen area where students are able to make drinks and simple snacks and learn basic kitchen hygiene skills.
- Toilet and bathroom facilities which meet the needs of both able bodied and physically disabled students..
- A multi-sensory learning environment for students with complex needs.
- Four contemporary classrooms of varying sizes with ICT equipment and Internet access.
- Outdoor classroom where Horticulture is taught.
- Conference facility and on site Café which provides work experience for our learners
- MUGA - Multi Use Games Area
Transition to Further Education takes places at the end of Key Stage 4. Tor View Further Education Department accepts students from Tor View School and from other schools within Lancashire. We encourage prospective parents/carers and students to make arrangements to visit the department prior to enrolment.
Non-prejudicial visits and consultation meetings take place to inform parents / carers / students about the ethos and curriculum which is offered.
All students follow a personalised learning pathway. The individual needs of each student are our priority.
Students study Functional Skills, Life Skills, Employability Skills and Vocational Studies.
Our students are split by ability groups in to one of our four classes;
Sensology (PMLD)
Next Steps (SLD)
Step On (MLD)
College Link (Inclusion class with ACROSS)
Functional Skills
Students study English, Maths, ICT and PSD. These are taught via individual priority targets (Key Skills) and during specific subject lessons.
Where appropriate at the end of their leaving year, students will take Functional Skills Tests (English, Maths & ICT) at a level that corresponds with their ability.
Life Skills
Students study all aspects of life skills to prepare them for adult life. These include Community Skills, Home Management, Sports, Leisure and Religious Education. Students are taught in ability set groups so that the curriculum content can be managed to suit all needs.
Vocational Studies
Students study Employability, Enterprise and subject specific skills. The students choose from three options (Expressive Arts, Catering and Horticulture) and will dedicate two days of their time table to this vocation.
Face Me
At Tor View we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to shine. We provide the opportunity for our students to showcase their talents through our in house theatre company and our students work together to produce a show each year. This comprises of on stage roles and back stage, this gives our students the opportunity to contribute to the best of their ability.
We currently accredit our courses with Open Awards. We offer accreditation from Entry Level 1 upwards. Gaining accreditation and valuing students achievement is an essential part of attending Tor View’s FE department.
Further Education Sample Timetable
Welcome to the Intensive Support Centre
The Intensive Support Centre (ISC) is a specialised learning environment for students ranging from Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 5 who present with severe challenging conduct and autism, communication difficulties or high-level needs. The ISC currently supports up to 12 learners who are separated into two groups. Each learner has 1:1 support from a highly trained teaching assistant alongside additional support available from two learning mentors and a class teacher.
All lessons and sessions completed in the ISC have been specifically selected as areas of priority for the group of learners, ensuring a diverse and holistic educational offer that incorporates regular opportunities to develop communication, regulation and independence skills. The learners in the ISC are dis-applied from the National Curriculum, instead receiving a highly stimulating and motivating curriculum to promote independence, tolerance, and acceptance of the world around them. The curriculum for the ISC is built upon the priority of need for each learner, providing a bespoke and unique offer.
The Vision
The curriculum in the Intensive Support Centre promotes and develops the ability of all learners to become as independent as possible in their adult life. Key areas of priority include communication skills, independence skills and ability to self-regulate.
Learners are enabled and encouraged to make choices to share their wants and needs using their preferred method of communication, encouraging them to acknowledge and use their voice in whichever form that takes. Where appropriate, inclusive links are formed within main school for learners to socialise with their peers and access additional lessons, enabling the learners to develop their sense of belonging within in the school community.
Moving into the ISC
In the Intensive Support Centre we understand that transition is a key period which is often accompanied by a level of uncertainty both for learners and families alike. Our aim is to ensure that transition takes a highly personalised approach, following learner needs and taking into account individual situations to ensure a smooth and successful move into the department. This may include present school visits to develop relationships with a learner in their current setting, individual family and learner visits to the ISC or home visits where appropriate.
If you have any questions, queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Head of the Intensive Support Centre, Sam Lord, via the Contact Us page or by phoning 01706 214640.
ISC Sample Timetable
ISC Transition Brochure