Our Curriculum Model:

At Tor View we aim to provide a curriculum that meets the needs of all our children and young adults offering a broad, balanced, differentiated and relevant education which reflects continuity and maximises progression.


Three curricula operate within all departments of the school and each child’s curriculum is personalised by drawing on the each of these curricula in accordance with individual need.


Formal Curriculum: this is an age appropriate curriculum and includes the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework and National Curriculum in Key Stages 1 – 4 and an accreditation related curriculum in Key Stage 5. All pupils access content from the appropriate Key Stage as defined by their chronological age although skills may be selected from earlier Key Stages as individual needs dictate.

Developmental Curriculum: this is an age appropriate curriculum designed to enable all our pupils to make recognisable small steps of progress and to develop pre-requisite skills to allow learners to access the formal curriculum.

Additional Curriculum: this is an individual curriculum designed to address the holistic needs of each individual. This curriculum may include advice from other agencies including therapeutic services such as Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Sensory Integration Therapy.


Read more about our curriculum model here.


Life Long Learning

Woven throughout our curriculum are opportunities for children and young people to develop skills in life long learning skills. Teachers meticulously plan for children and young people to develop:

Aspiration for Life

Language for Life

Learning for Life

Accurate assessment

Challenging targets

Effective questioning

Timely feedback.

Explicit teaching of subject related vocabulary

Embedded use of ELKLAN training

Effective communication environments

Inquiry based learning from EYFS to Post 19

Transferrable skills


opportunities for independence


Faculty Model

Our subjects are organised in to faculties where there is likely to be similar pedagogy. Each faculty is led by a senior teacher who is responsible for leading the family of subjects in their faculty. This allows us to continually focus on curriculum improvement.


Humanities & Vocational Learning

Expressive Arts


Language & Communication

Healthy Lifestyles

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Geography, History, Religious Education, Horticulture, Work Experience & Careers

Art & Design, Drama, Music & Dance

Science, Computing & Maths

English, French, AAC-ICT

PSHCE, Food Technology, Physical Education, Leisure & Catering.

Early Years & Nursery


Assessing your child’s needs

On entering school, each child is assessed with reference to the objectives within their Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP) to ensure they receive an individual and prioritised education.


Key areas for assessment are:

·       Speaking and listening (including early communication);

·       Literacy skills (including reading, writing and phonics);

·       Mathematics (including early cognition);

·       Physical skills;

·       Personal and Social Development;

·       Computing skills.


Assessments are regularly updated to maximise pupil potential and each child’s progress is monitored through the Key Skills Care Planning system which includes an acknowledgement of prior learning, clear assessment and setting individual targets. Parents are encouraged to contribute to the development of these plans.


Schemes of work and medium term planning ensure maximum progress is made in all curriculum areas. Each term, teachers revise pupils’ individual priority targets which are delivered through Key Skill lessons.

Further Information

If you require additional information relating to the Primary or Secondary Curriculum, please contact the Senior Assistant Headteacher, Mrs H Bleasdale on 01706 214640. 

If you require additional information relating to the Further Education Curriculum, please contact the Assistant Headteacher, Mr A Collinson on 01706 214640.

The Deputy Headteacher responsible for the Curriculum across all departments is Mr A O'Brien.

The Annual Review process

All pupils and students have a formal Annual Review to discuss their progress and their future needs. The review consists of written reports, a review meeting and a summary of the recommendations and individual targets. The review is the opportunity to appraise and amend the Education, Health and Care Plan. Parents and professionals are advised of dates and documentation well in advance of the meeting and are given every encouragement to attend. Pupils are also encouraged to take an active part in their Annual Review.

Curriculum for Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) 

Curriculum Intent, Implementation & Impact

At Tor View School our EYFS Curriculum is carefully planned and implemented.

Please click on a tabs below for more information about the intent and implementation of our curriculum as well as a visual guide on how we measure the impact of our curriculum.

At Tor View our vision for our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) class is ‘Reach for the Stars!’ Together we learn, develop and are given the opportunity to achieve our potential in a positive and supportive environment in order to have the best start on our educational journey. Our curriculum is designed to develop the foundations for learning and treats each learner as an individual, fostering their interests and building on their strengths.

Our youngest pupils join Peach Tree class where they are taught through the prime and specific areas of learning.

The three prime areas of learning are:

Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Communication and Language
Physical Development

The four specific areas of learning are:

Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design

Physical Education is part of our Prime area of learning: Physical Development. Here we access the hall to undertake activities working on our curriculum targets.

Religious Education is incorporated into the area of Understanding the World through the aspect of People and Communities and is also delivered through assemblies.

Each pupil has individual targets relating to their EHCP and these are taught through individual focussed sessions, small group and whole class teaching opportunities. These lessons are known as Key Skills and each pupil has an individualised Key Skills Care Plan which outlines their priority targets. Many of these targets will relate to ‘learning to learn’ skills, developing pupils listening and attention, turn taking, engagement and how they attend to adult led tasks. These sessions continue across school daily.

Our curriculum takes a holistic approach, delivered through termly topics and engaging, play-based activities. These are designed to help learners achieve their learning outcomes and make progress (cognitive, social, physical, and emotional). However, we recognise that each pupil has individual learning needs. To support their engagement and development, we offer access to additional aspects of our broader '3-part curriculum,' tailored to support their learning.

We believe that a strong partnership between school and home is key to helping our students succeed. Our approach to home learning is designed to ensure that pupils are able to generalise their skills and knowledge across different environments. To support this, we provide various resources and opportunities for parents and carers to actively engage in their child's learning journey for example through workshops and trainings, parents evenings, meet and greet sessions, a target setting review within the first term of joining us and much more. By working together, we can help ensure that the skills your child is developing at school are effectively applied at home, strengthening their overall growth and learning experience. We are here to support you every step of the way.


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Curriculum for The Primary Department 

Curriculum Intent, Implementation & Impact

At Tor View School our Primary Curriculum is carefully planned and implemented.

Please click on a tabs below for more information about the intent and implementation of our curriculum.

In the Primary Department together, we:

INSPIRE:  We are a team of specialist and dedicated Teachers and Additional Needs Teaching Assistants (ANTA’s) who work hard to ensure the best start to your child’s education whilst ensuring that the children’s individual needs are met. We have high aspirations for our learners. We welcome children from the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) through to year 6. We strive to develop pupil’s independence and communication skills and do this through a total communication approach.  

LEARN:  All children within the Primary Department work towards the National Curriculum in all subject areas however we recognise children are individual and learn in different ways. We pay specific attention to early Literacy and Numeracy, self-help and independence, organisational, feeding and basic personal hygiene skills. The children follow a three-part curriculum to support their individual needs and ensure that they are ready to learn. These ‘Learning to Learn’ skills such as being able to sit, take turns, listen to and follow very basic instructions ensure that children are ready to learn alongside their peers and are integrated into daily lessons. Movement breaks and specialised equipment also allow children appropriate regulation opportunities. Physical activity is also developed in weekly PE and gross motor sessions.

Our classes are split into Key Stage groups EYFS, Key Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2) and Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6) taught in ability-based teaching groups. Occasionally, we may have groups which cross both Key Stages, depending on the needs of the pupils. This grouping allows lessons to stretch pupils and match work closely to their ability. It also allows pupils with greater needs to access higher levels of staff support and ensures that the curriculum can be adapted to meet their specific needs.

Peach Tree (EYFS)

Cherry Tree (Key Stage One)

Apple Tree (Key Stage One)

Maple Tree (Key Stage Two)

Elm Tree (Key Stage Two – Sensory based group)

Oak Tree (Key Stage Two)

Pine Tree (Key Stage Two)

Willow Tree (Key Stage Two – Inclusion Class, based at Haslingden Primary School each morning)


ENJOY: Teachers plan and deliver exciting and creative activities linked to the curriculum. Visits and outings are planned alongside lessons to bring content to life and provide valuable learning experiences. Key Stage One pupils have the opportunity to take learning outside in an outdoor learning area and pupils enjoy varying activities and clubs during lunchtimes in our outside playground areas. We celebrate themed days across the year, giving pupils opportunities to explore learning in an innovative way. Key Stage Two pupils are invited to residential experiences, to extend their communication and independence skills in a different environment away from home. Every autumn term, pupils work hard to put on a performance of the Nativity to Parents, Carers and families. An enjoyable experience for everyone involved, and chance for our pupils to shine on stage!

ACHIEVE: Pupils are given the opportunity to develop their learning by making progress in small STEPS. Each week achievements are celebrated in a departmental assembly where pupils are given certificates in the following areas: Learning for Life, Aspiration for Life and Language for Life. Individual achievements and WOW moments are shared and a weekly star of the week is chosen! Achievements are shared with parents in a weekly ‘Friday photo’, providing a snapshot of pupils learning that week.

Our relationship with Parents, Carers and families are very important to us and we hope to create long lasting, positive relationships with pupils and families. Each child has a form tutor/class teacher who is responsible for overseeing the personal and social needs of his/her class, completing Key Skills Care Plans, Annual Reviews, reports and contacting parents/carers. We strive for open, honest communication and Parents/Carers are welcome to discuss any issues via their child’s Class Dojo. As well as a class teacher, each class will be supported by ANTA’s. ANTAs have an important role in supporting the work of the class teacher and meeting the needs of the pupils.


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Curriculum for The Secondary Department 

Curriculum Intent, Implementation & Impact

At Tor View School our Secondary Curriculum is carefully planned and implemented.

Please click on a tabs below for more information about the intent and implementation of our curriculum.

Welcome to the Secondary Department

In the Secondary Department, students are always working hard to inspire, learn, enjoy and achieve. Our teachers provide students with a range of opportunities to develop new skills and apply them in many different ways. Students are constantly learning new facts and skills which will help them as they grow up and transition into adulthood, working towards an appropriate level of independence.

The Vision

We aim to provide a stimulating and creative learning environment that allows all students to reach their full potential. This is achieved through a carefully planned child-centred curriculum that has been designed to reflect the learning needs of our students. Our Secondary Department ethos is: Promoting independence, resilience, and active engagement in purposeful learning.

Teaching Groups

Students are taught in ability based teaching groups. This grouping allows lessons to challenge students and match work closely to their ability. It also allows students with greater needs to access higher levels of staff support and ensures that the curriculum can be adapted to meet their specific needs.

Our classes are arranged in Key Stage groups; Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9) and Key Stage 4 (Years 10-11). Occasionally, we may have groups which incorporate both Key Stages, depending on the needs of the students.

Form Groups

Each student in the Secondary Department has a form tutor who is responsible for overseeing the personal and social needs of their form, updating Key Skills Care Plans, and making contact with parents/carers.  The form tutor is the first point of contact for parents/carers and is keen to establish good relationships.  Parents/carers are welcome to write or make comments to discuss any issues via their child’s Class Dojo. Alternatively, you may phone the form tutor who will respond to your message at the earliest convenient time, which may be at the end of the day due to their teaching commitments.

As well as a form tutor, each form also has 2 or more Teaching Assistants (TAs).  TAs have an important role in supporting the work of the form tutor and meeting the needs of the students. 


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Curriculum for The Further Education Department (F.E)

Curriculum Intent, Implementation & Impact

At Tor View School our Further Education Curriculum is carefully planned and implemented.

Please click on a tabs below for more information about the intent and implementation of our curriculum.

Tor View Further Education Department

The F.E. Department is situated at our purpose-built Ewood Campus on Clod Lane near the main school building. The intent of the FE department is to develop learners’ skills and abilities which they can take forward into their adult life. We aim to equip all learners with the ability to follow their own aspirations and goals.

It comprises of:

· A Chillax area where students are able to meet in break times to generally socialise.

· A kitchen area where students are able to make drinks and simple snacks and learn basic kitchen hygiene skills.

· Toilet and bathroom facilities which meet the needs of all learners.

· A multi-sensory learning environment.

· Four contemporary classrooms of varying sizes with ICT equipment and Internet access.

· Outdoor classroom where Horticulture is taught.

· Conference facility and on site Café which provides work experience for our learners.

· MUGA - Multi Use Games Area.


Transition to Further Education takes places throughout Key Stage Four. Tor View Further Education Department accepts students from Tor View School and from other schools within Lancashire. We encourage prospective parents/carers and students to make arrangements to visit the department prior to enrolment.

Non-prejudicial visits and consultation meetings take place to inform parents / carers / students about the ethos and curriculum which is offered.


All students follow the FE curriculum which is designed to build independence, work skills and academic achievements in line with each Learners’ EHCP.

Students study a range of lessons including: Functional Skills; Home Management; Computing and Options. All lessons are designed to develop learners’ skills and knowledge which can be transferred to their adult life. All four areas of Preparation for Adulthood are taken into consideration and learners will have chances to develop their understanding of PfA.

Students study English, Maths, ICT and PSHE. These are taught via individual priority targets (Key Skills) and during specific subject lessons.

Where appropriate at the end of their leaving year, students will take Functional Skills Tests at a level that corresponds with their ability.

In addition, most learners will take part in an option group. The option groups are mixed classes and follow learners’ interest. The learners will gain accreditations in

their option groups throughout the three years and gain in-depth skills in their chosen area which they can use in future employment or adult life.

Throughout the year, the learners work towards designing, creating and selling items in their enterprise lessons. During key moments of the year, learners will have to chance to hold fairs and sell the items they made to the general public.

All money raised during the fairs will go into their enterprise fund, and a committee of FE learners discuss the best use of the money. One representative of each class attends the committee and takes ideas from their class to discuss. Any money spent through this fund will go through the committee.

Face Me

At Tor View we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to shine. We provide the opportunity for our students to showcase their talents through our in-house theatre company and our students work together to produce a show each year. This comprises of on-stage roles and back stage, this gives our students the opportunity to contribute to the best of their ability.


We currently accredit our courses with Open Awards. We offer accreditation from Entry Level 1 upwards. Gaining accreditation and valuing students achievement is an essential part of attending Tor View’s FE department.

Student Voice in FE

We pride ourselves in ensuring that our students have a say in their curriculum and college life. One student in each class attends the school council to represent their classes intertest on whole school issues. Another learner will attend the Enterprise Committee which will discuss how to spend the money raised through Enterprise events and the Option Groups are driven by general learner interests and Subject Leaders listen to the changing interests of the learners to ensure the Option Groups remain relevant to the learners.

Garage Café

The Garage Café is a purpose-built café based on the Ewood site. It is ran by our café manager and the learners. Though out learners time at Tor View, they will have the chance to access work experience in the café. This may be helping with the food preparation in the morning, serving customers and making drinks or by supporting with cleaning the cafe ready for the next day.

The café is fully open to the public and learners gain confidence and skills whilst serving their community.

Work Experience

During the three years at FE, learners will be given the chance to access work experience. All work experience is based on learners needs and aspirations. Work experience is split into three main categories: external, internal and Garage Café. The work experience opportunities are organised by the Head of Department, Carers Advisor and Work Experience Coordinator


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