Getting used to remote learning has been a challenge, but it is one that our KS3 P-Group have enjoyed meeting.

Each day starts with a live lesson over Teams where we follow our morning routine and take part in a sensology lesson. Sensology is all about waking up our senses in preparation for our learning activities. It helps students get ready for learning and it helps staff/parents/carers assess how students are feeling and responding each day. This gives us a good idea of how to gauge activities and learning for the rest of the day. Our live online lessons are loud and lively and students love interacting with staff and peers, despite it just being through a screen (in fact sometimes this makes it more enjoyable!).

Students then work on their individual targets at home before accessing a pre-recorded lesson led by their class teacher which focusses on Communication & Cognition. These lessons have been warmly received and there was no better sign of approval that this photo of a student’s face when one of the lessons started and he saw his teachers face – just look at that smile! He had previously been very upset that the sensology lesson was over – as you can see from the second photo!


Our afternoons are varied as they address different subject areas. Students have... ‘Run through The Lake District’ as part of our exploration of Tom Palmer’s book Armistice Runner; Explored their emotions through Coller & Cuffs Sensory dance activity ‘Looking Out’; Learnt about different religious rituals through sensory exploration and activities; Taken part in interactive music sessions; Explored different artistic mediums including paint, light, and paper; Met ‘Crabby’ a grumpy crab who helped us explore well-being; Discovered what goes into our lunches and had fun with blenders!

They have also enjoyed taking part in additional school community activities, such as making a valentines heart from natural materials (through an expertly delivered instructional video by Miss Lindsay).


Bring on Spring Term 2!