Getting to Know Eachother P7
This week in P7 we have been getting to know each other. We have done lots of activities. These…

Emergency Services Week in P7

Smithills Open Farm KS2
Pupils from lower Key Stage 2 had a fantastic time on their day trips last month!
On day 1, we…
P4 Topic: Weather
P4 blog
This week in P4, we have been continuing to look at our weather topic. In English, we…

PE in P1
Physical Education
This week in PE we practiced our dressing skills with developing independence…

Viking's P4
This week, P4 have been focusing on Viking clothing and Jewellery. In our Creative History and…

Vikings KS2
This half term, KS2 are focusing on the topic of ‘The Vikings’. We have had a very special visitor…

The Vikings P5
This week in Design Technology, P5 have been focusing on our new topic ‘The Vikings’. We learned…
Incredible Independence P1
This week in Primary 1 we are showing some increasing independence throughout our different…

Marvellous Maths P1
This week in Primary 1 we have done some marvellous maths throughout our different learning…
KS1 Christmas Blog
This week KS1 have been completing lots of Christmas themed activities! We have enjoyed performing…