Key Skills in Next Steps
Students in Next Steps have been working really hard. In their Key Skills lesson they have been…

Creepy Crawly Roadshow
Water Topic P5
In P5 this half term we have been learning about Water, we have studied the Water Cycle and…

Making Apple Crumble
The Horticulture group collected some apples from an ex pupil’s memorial tree in the garden. This…

Macmillan Coffee Morning
On Friday 30th September, we celebrated Macmillan Coffee Morning!
We would like to start by…

Maths in P3
P3 have been learning about place value and addition in Maths this half term. As a class, we have…

Outdoor Learning in P4
In P4 we have had our outdoor learning session today. We enjoyed having the opportunity to play…
3H Design Technology Activities
Monday afternoon is timetabled options for Key Stage 3. Pupils from 3H enjoyed a carousel of…

Gross Motor Skills P2
Today in P2 we have been working on our gross motor skills targets in PE. We played different…
Catering in Horticulture
Last week in Catering, we used potatoes, carrots and onions grown by the Horticulture group last…

P6 Autumn Topic 'Water'
King Charles III 3H
In 3H PE this week, we celebrated the proclamation of King Charles lll by taking part in a game of…